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Helmets Save Lives On Colorado Slopes

We often hear about the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike, motorcycle or ATV; however, the very popular sports of skiing and…

February 24, 2012 helmet safety

We often hear about the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike, motorcycle or ATV; however, the very popular sports of skiing and snowboarding here in Colorado are often overlooked when we think of times and places where wearing a helmet should be vital.

One Colorado teen is lucky to have strapped on his helmet and goggles before heading out to the slopes last month. According to an article from Colorado’s 9 News, the safety gear saved the boy’s life when he ran into a tree. The boy had just gotten off the lift and pushed off for his first run of the day when he lost control and drifted off the course and into a grove of trees.

Witnesses say that the 15-year-old was traveling at approximately 20-25 MPH when he hit the timber.

The impact sent the boy to the ground where witnesses quickly gathered around. The boy was airlifted to St. Anthony’s Hospital, where he was treated for numerous injuries including broken bones. Doctors who treated the boy said if it had not been for the teen’s goggles and helmet, he would certainly be dead.

The Colorado premise liability lawyers of McDivitt Law Firm would like to remind all skiers and snowboarders to strap on a helmet and goggles before hitting the slopes. The decision may save your life when you least expect it.

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