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Fisher Price Recalls the Defective Rock ‘n Play Sleeper

Why Was the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play Recalled? If you have heard the recent news coverage of the recall of Fisher Price’s Rock ‘n…

Fisher Price Rock 'n Play SleeperWhy Was the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play Recalled?

If you have heard the recent news coverage of the recall of Fisher Price’s Rock ‘n Play, you are probably concerned for the little ones in your and your loved one’s lives. The reports are alarming: on April 8th, 2019, Consumer Reports released an investigation suggesting that the deaths of 32 infants are linked to use of the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play. On April 9th, 2019, the American Academy of Pediatrics called on the Consumer Product Safety Commission to recall the Rock ‘n Play, based on the Consumer Report. Four days after the Consumer Report findings were released, on April 12th, 2019, Fisher Price issued a recall of all Rock ‘n Plays, citing infant deaths.

Despite the recall, Fisher Price is trying to shift the blame. They argue that the deaths were caused by parents misusing the Rock ‘n Play, like failing to use the safety harness or putting blankets in the rocker. However, Fisher Price faces allegations from parents that their child died or was injured in the Rock ‘n Play while it was being used according to its safety instructions.

Did the Problems with the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play Just Begin?

This is not the first time that the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play has come under scrutiny for safety. In 2013, around 800,000 Rock ‘n Play models were recalled due to mold. Some babies exposed to the mold growing in the Rock ‘n Plays suffered from respiratory issues, cough, and hives.

The Rock ‘n Play is a form of an ‘inclined sleeper,’ cradling the baby at a lifted angle. Pediatricians and safety groups have warned that the safe sleeping position for an infant is on a flat surface. Despite this, Fisher Price marketed the inclined Rock ‘n Play as safe for sleep with packaging claiming “Inclined sleeper designed for all-night sleep,” leading parents to believe their baby could safely sleep in the Rock ‘n Play.

The first known death believed to be linked to the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play occurred in 2011, but Fisher Price did not issue their recall until 2019. Grieving parents question whether Fisher Price sold the Rock ‘n Play after knowing its potential to be deadly. As we represent victims of this devastating loss, McDivitt Law Firm is committed to joining the ongoing investigations about when Fisher Price was aware of the Rock ‘n Play’s danger when they sold it to unsuspecting parents.

What Should I Do if I Own a Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play?

If you or a loved one owns a Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play, it is important to dispose of it immediately. Please do not give away the Rock ‘n Play or re-sell it. A quick internet search turns up multiple re-sale websites where people are selling their pre-owned Rock ‘n Plays, and many parents remain unaware of their danger.

There is growing concern for all inclined sleeper products like the Rock ‘n Play. William Wallace, senior policy analyst at Consumer Reports warns, “All other inclined sleepers should be investigated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. These products conflict with American Academy of Pediatrics’ safe sleep recommendations, and manufacturers should pull them off the market.” For the safety of your baby, give careful consideration to using these types of products.

What Can I Do if My Baby Is a Victim of the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play?

Some parents of babies who were killed by the Rock ‘n Play are still unaware of the true cause of their child’s death. Deaths from the Rock ‘n Play have been routinely misdiagnosed as SIDS. If you lost your baby while he or she was in the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play, you should contact an attorney to discuss whether Fisher Price might be responsible.

If you have suffered the devastation of losing a baby while he or she was in the Rock ‘n Play, it is important to reach out to an attorney. Fisher Price has a duty to the parents that trust them with their most precious gift and to the vulnerable babies whose lives are at stake. McDivitt Law Firm is already working to seek justice for parents living their worst nightmare. Profits are never more important than people, and Fisher Price must be held accountable.

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